17 dic 2013

Independent Woman

'Tell me how you feel about this?
Who would I want if I would wanna live  
I worked hard and sacrificed to get what I get  
Ladies, it ain't easy bein' independent'

Es con mucho orgullo que presento este post "anónimo", de alguien que se acercó a mí y me pidió que lo publicara en mi blog, por las razones que sean. Me encantó porque es algo con que todas alguna vez podríamos identificarnos y da pie a un debate permanente entre mujeres... ¿qué tipo de mujer soy? ¿sólo es posible ser una u otra? ¿qué no se puede tener todo? Habrá quienes no estén del todo de acuerdo con esta postura, quienes se identifiquen con una o con otra, quien tenga la suerte (o mala suerte) de ser ambas... y quien nos pueda decir si al final del día, vale o no la pena y si el amor es suficiente o no...
I have always thought there are two types of women: on the one hand,  we have the smart, confident, independent women who works hard, has goals and does everything in her power (and more) to try to achieve them and accomplish herself in every possible way. On the other, there is the type of women who would drop everything for a man; the ones who won't go away to college cause of their high school sweetheart, the ones who'll pass on a scholarship or a dream job out of town to stay for a guy they love, the ones who wouldn't even finish an international studying/working program cause they miss their boyfriend so much. I remember laughing at those girls, mocking them. And I swore to myself I'd never become one of them. 
But then again.. What if you find yourself in the face of what, or better yet, of who you truly believe to be  the love  of your life? Does everything change? Do the things that used to be really important to you suddenly don't mean as much? 
I once read that if you want to know where your heart is, you have to look to where your mind goes when it wanders.. So what if all you can think about is him? What if you've had countless daydreams about your life by his side? Isn't it every girl's dream to find that kind of love anyway? It all ends there eventually: the perfect guy, marriage and a family. So what if you get the chance for that just a little sooner than you expected it? 
I couldn't help but wonder... If it came down to it, would I give up my plans and any other dreams of mine for what I believe to be my true love? And if I did.. Would I regret it? Or is love ever enough?

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